need a way to delete people that don't playEveryone in the game can vote them out. Very annoying waiting for someone to play is very anou=ying wespecialy when it is obvious that someone has left the game
Sahari Sahari
When will you people get it through your heads that WOCG NEVER allowed 3 people X-ing the 4th player? Marya and I corresponded on this point multiple times. She just never wanted to do that.
Helen Back
In the old days, when we had a GOOD WOCG platform, we could all X them and they would be kicked out.
Scott Cloutier
The other three players voting somebody off the island does not work, at least consistently. It worked one out of three times that we tried it recently. TBH, I’ll never understand why ppl purposely stall during play, just being trolls to make themselves feel important or something, it’s totally inconsiderate and not necessary.
There is already a way. The other 3 people need to click block on the non active player. This will kick them out.