Removing nonactive players from room
Frequently during hearts games, players will join and simply not play. Their timer will continue to count down until the system plays a card for them. In the past, you could simply block them and they would time out and be removed from the room in 3 or 4 turns. Now, someone can have their avatar play a whole games simply by joining a room and doing nothing. The problem is that it is very frustrating for us who actually want to play, and no hearts game should ever take 35-60 minutes to play. My suggestion is to have the player that is not paying and simply counting down, if they go three or four turns in a row of this counting down, then they should automatically be removed from the game.
I guess I will disagree. I have been at a table where we have done it and it has worked. The problem is you never know if everybody really does it or not. Therefore, you have no way to verify all three players have to block the fourth player
Sahari Sahari
I'll return to this suggestion from time to time just to dust it off and keep the weeds from overrunning things, because Holger sure ain't gonna do a thing about it. It's only been submitted numerous times.
There is already a way. The other 3 people need to click block on the non active player. This will kick them out.
Sahari Sahari
Shawn Sorry Shawn, that is a total myth. I have played Hearts on this site since 2016, and enjoyed corresponding with Marya (the previous site manager) from time to time, and she verified, early on, that 3 players do NOT have the ability to kick out the 4th. I have no idea why this myth has persisted (I have run into many players who insist this works) when it has never worked. There ARE other sites that practice this approach, so perhaps people just assume that's how it works on all online game sites ?