Spades ELO cheating hack
under review
Brian Sambirsky
A simple way to increase your elo is to play with a very low elo partner who is connected to you offline. As an example, I played a game where one of my opponents had a 2000 elo and the other had a 300 elo. The elo algorithm will treat this pair as 1150 which is likely to be significantly lower than their opponents. The game takes place and if the 2000 and 300 elo are going to win, the 300 elo quits before the game ends which causes their elo to fall despite winning the game. The 2000 elo then gets a higher than typical elo bump for winning the game. The solution is to cap a floor of 1200 on elo.
Holger Sindbaek
under review
Holger Sindbaek
Thanks for letting me know about this hack. I'll be looking into it.
Connie Inayat
Having an Elo floor for spades seems like an excellent idea. I also like Nevis’s suggestion of setting a minimum rating for the table. Then Data or JSX would most likely end up having to start his own table with fewer and fewer players joining.
Nevin Brackett-Rozinsky
Another solution is to allow players to set a minimum rating for tables.